I upgraded my app project to 7.1 back in late March, but it didn't go smoothly.
Immediately after upgrading, I wanted to run the project and make sure
upgrading hadn't broken anything. Unfortunately the first thing I got was a
cryptic runtime Exception: 'WrappedException' with details 'Unspecified Error',
breaking when I initialised a boolean for the first time. I googled the
exception and found other people complaining that upgrading their projects gave
them these errors as well - http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/t/88547.aspx
- the problem seemed to be running the old version of the Silverlight Toolkit or
the CodingForFun toolkit. I have both of these, so time to upgrade them through
But...it turned out I have the most recent version? Crap. Try
rebuilding from clean - didn't help.
I searched again and found two articles both mentioning this error in relation to
template bindings - http://www.wirebear.com/blog/2010/10/21/windows-phone-7-unspecified-error/
and http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/windows-phone/databound-listbox/unspecified-error-on-databoundlistbox-for-mango.aspx so I guess I went through my project and
checked the templates on that page.
- Commented out both the headertemplate and the jumplist itemtemplate - the app ran fine
- Put back in just the header template - app ran fine. So I guess it is /sigh/ somewhere within my horrible nested jumplist template.
- Just for fun, put them all back in - fails! The exception detail:
MS.Internal.WrappedException was unhandled
Message=Unspecified error
MS.Internal.XcpImports.CheckHResult(UInt32 hr)
MS.Internal.XcpImports.UIElement_UpdateLayout(UIElement element)
MS.Internal.XcpImports.CheckHResult(UInt32 hr)
MS.Internal.XcpImports.UIElement_Measure_WithDesiredSize(UIElement element,
Size availableSize)
System.Windows.UIElement.Measure_WithDesiredSize(Size availableSize)
System.Windows.Controls.VirtualizingStackPanel.MeasureChild(UIElement child,
Size layoutSlotSize)
System.Windows.Controls.VirtualizingStackPanel.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
And I've narrowed it down to this template:
<DataTemplate x:Key="pivotJumplistTemplate">
ItemsSource="{Binding events}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource eventTemplateByDay}"
JumpButtonStyle="{StaticResource AccentColoredButtonStyle}">
<l:DistinctPropertyValueCategoryProvider PropertyName="StartTime"/>
ItemsSource="{Binding events}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource eventTemplateByDay}"
JumpButtonStyle="{StaticResource AccentColoredButtonStyle}">
<l:DistinctPropertyValueCategoryProvider PropertyName="StartTime"/>
If I replace this one with the non-jumplist, it works.
<DataTemplate x:Key="pivotListTemplate">
ItemsSource="{Binding events}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource eventTemplate}">
Aha - and now adding Jumplist to my search, I get this article from the guy who wrote the control I'm using -
All the comments say they are seeing this error. Turns out the
control is now distributed as part of http://wp7contrib.codeplex.com/,
which has been updated for 7.1. Installed the new package with nuget and
swapped out my assembly references….and got the same exception. And so were other people since September - I
can't find an indication that he's updated it since then. I left a comment on
the post asking if it had been updated. He's responded a couple of times since then saying he is planning to update, but hasn't had time recently.
Fortunately Telerik recently had a special for Microsoft employees, so I got their Windows Phone suite free - I can insert their jumplist instead.